
Today, most of our transactions are digital and are taxed by international companies that take a fee at each transaction. With 25,000 shops, we are collectively spending more than €5M/month to fund the banking industry.

Today, we have the open source technology to create secure payment networks at a fraction of the cost.

Brussels PAY is a citizen initiative that makes use of the latest available technology of web3 to create an alternative payment system for Brussels.

It is controlled by the citizens for the citizens through a digital cooperative (aka DAO, for Decentralized Autonomous Organization).

Every participant in the system can vote on proposals to allocate the funds collected.

A new transparent and participative democracy in the making!



Jonas, Kevin, Leen, Xavier, you?

It’s gonna take more than a village, but a city to pull this off. So join us and contribute! You’ll find us at the Commons Hub Brussels (in front of central station). Come say hi 👋

We are also surrounded by a team of advisors that each bring a different piece of the puzzle:  

Our initiative takes its inspiration from those books and movies: